Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Bringing in 2013: Let the “No-Buy” Commence!

makeup beauty revlon eos sigma fashion shoes fall autumn_thumb[2]

Hey darlings, Happy New year! 2013 is shaping up to look amazing for me with my University graduation and spending the summer in Florida, LA & NY so what better way to plan for the future than with a massive saving pledge. I’ve seen a few others doing this, Sandra over at The Black Pearl Blog has started a 100 day spending ban challenge with a few other lovely bloggers, although I’m doing something a little different! Having been a member of Facebook group Never Too Much Sparkle for a while, a few of us last week decided to undertake Operation: Save All The Money, each setting ourselves guidelines in order to save more money over the coming months. My goal is to save for my trip to Florida, and ultimately my future. Here’s my goals!

In a hope to save for my summer in the USA I am banning myself on buying makeup, clothes, skincare and body care until the Easter holidays (March 15th - April 8th). This does not include moisturiser as I am nearly out of that, shampoo/conditioner (only buy another when pervious is finished), toothpaste (and the like), deodorant and basically daily hygiene stuff.
From Easter I will replenish my foundation/powers ect for the Florida trip but NO blush, lippys, eyeliners or eyeshadows. I will also have money aside for preparing for my trip by getting summer clothes, swimwear ect.I aim to save money every month putting £200ish into my savings account with a goal to save £1000 by late May.
By March I will have paid off all my USA internal flights and accommodation for when I travel (international flights have already been paid for).

  • USA Internal Flights & Accommodation Paid
  • No Makeup Bought
  • No Bodycare Bought
  • No Skincare Bought (exceptions not included)
  • No Disneystore Purchases Made

I’m going to stick to a budget of £30 a week for food & daily living, rent and bills to be paid separately. Change from this will be put into a “Piggy Bank”.


I’m really looking forward to doing this with all the lovely ladies taking part, it’s so much more motivation to stick to my goals. We are also going to be running weekly/monthly “shopping the stash” and “makeup mixup” challenges to help us discover hidden gems within our own makeup collections. Wish me, the rest of O:SATM and anyone else undertaking a No-Buy luck!

What are your plans for 2013? Going on a No-Buy/Low-Buy?



  1. I'm entering a NO BUY as well - the only thing that's makeup related that I will be getting myself is redeeming my free MAC lipstick. I can't afford to keep buying stuff, since i might be moving back to the states this autumn :/ I'm here with you in spirit! x

  2. Love the boots, happy new year www.adoramehitabel.blogspot.com

  3. Good luck! I'm sure with all the swapathons and challenges, you can make it :D


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