Thursday, 15 November 2012

Untitled #1: A Photography Project in Progress!





Coat: New Look
Dress: Tesco
Leggings: Primark
Shoes: Primark
Scarf: Band Merchandise (I know i know haha!)
Necklace: Chester Zoo
Bracelet: Paris

An outfit post? What even! Let me explain…
So yes I do primarily focus on beauty here, I'm not a particularly fashionable person but my new photographic project has found me doing some self-portraiture combining it with blogging. It has elements of blogging's effect within the media, one aspect being fashion and beauty. The end result will be a book exploring the world of fashion and beauty blogging, displaying a series of self portraits. Such a daunting task for me who has never done this kind of work before. I’m leaning towards more selective view images such as the one of the shoes seen above.

Now this post is a test shoot I did in my back garden earlier today, ignore the terribad exposure, I’m still experimenting with self timers, focus and poses haha. I’m gonna be doing quite a few of these using different locations, lighting, outfits over the coming weeks and hopefully share my improvement with you all.

What do you think of the project idea? It is as of yet untitled, but if you have any input as to names feel free to let me know!


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