Sunday, 4 November 2012

BIG Announcement!

So the bad news is that I wont be going to IMATS London in June. The good news is that instead I will be living and working in Florida USA!!! Not only that, but my place of work is:


IM GOING TO WORK IN DISNEYWORLD FLORIDA! It’s seriously not sunk in properly yet. As some of you may or may not know, I've been a Disney fanatic for as long as I can remember so this is seriously a dream come true. The news came on Friday evening while I was in work. I literally nearly started crying and jumped around screaming. Dramatic? No way! Haha.


I’ll be working there from June 3rd – August 9th and then hope to travel to New York & LA after my program ends. Can’t believe this is actually happening! Anyway, this post was to just really share the news and let you know about my Disney Blog here where you can keep upto date with me on my Disney journey.

Have you ever been to Walt Disney World Florida?



  1. Oh wow! You are going to be working out there when I go out there for my holiday in June! I might even see you! Totally understand how excited you are! I would be too! Going to follow your disney blog - I look forward to hearing about your travels! So jealous! :)

    1. I'll be posting on my disney blog where i'm working! Make sure you say hi if you see me! Have you already got disney tix ect? I could possible get you some free entry goodies/discount!

  2. Wow congratulations! I am a massive Disney fan too, I would love to work at Disney. I saw that Disneyland Paris were lloking for staff over Xmas period, if my French was good enough I would have applied! x

    1. I heard you only need to speak french or English for Paris! Especially to be a character, ive seen auditions for that up.

  3. CONGRATS! I'm so jealous!! I want to do their intership program, but it doesn't fit into my school schedule :(

  4. I can't believe I've only just followed your blog! Where have I been?! I'm loving your photography :) Oh and congrats on the job!

  5. That's awesome! Congratulations!!


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