Hey guys! I’m back in Southampton now for my 3rd and final year in university eep! My house is finally all sorted, so I thought I would show you where I keep and do my makeup here! Now I know I've not posted in a while, but we have only just gotten the internet here and I’ve been mega busy. I got a new job! Trying to juggle university and working is going to be hard as my job is really tough, but I'm going to give it my best shot. Don’t worry though, I have a tonne of reviews coming up so don’t think I'm going to slack here. Anyway, you came here for makeup didn't you! Apologies for crappy images, but at least it’s something right?
It’s a pretty similar setup to Makeup Files #1 with some key differences. I now have my nail polish in a Nightmare Before Christmas box and skin/body/hair products are in my second bedside table drawer. Most everyday non-makeup products I use though are in the bathroom. The beauty boxes in the corner are empty for the moment, but usually my straighteners are sitting on top of them. There's a little zebra print box my eyeliners ect are sitting on which, for the moment, has some cute stationary in. I know for a fact this stuff will end up filled with makeup by the end of the year haha!
When I do my makeup/hair I sit down in front of the long mirror (bought from Argos) cross legged. Though when I need more light I sit at my computer desk using the little face mirror thing. I quite like my new room and the way I'm storing everything at the moment, seeing as it is temporary. In the future, when I get my own house, I do hope to have a nice dressing table but for now this kind of setup will do.
How are you storing your makeup at the moment?