Monday, 13 July 2015

Extra Sweet Bowtique | Disney Fashion

Extra Sweet Bowtique Disney Inspired Bows

Extra Sweet Bowtique Disney Inspired Bows

I’ve had a little bit of an obsession with hair bows recently, particularly those that are inspired by Disney. After spotting a rainbow of them during my scrolling’s through instagram I was faced with a number of Etsy sellers who make beautiful pieces with which i can channel my favourite characters. Eventually I settled upon Extra Sweet Bowtique as not only do they have a wide selection of stunning bows, reasonable prices and great value pack deals, but they also have an active presence on social media, such as instagram, commenting on their customers pictures and replying to comments, something i really respect in a growingly competitive market. I chose to order 2 Heroes vs Villains value packs, 1 containing a Maleficent bow and an Ariel bow (which I gave to my friend for her birthday) while the other consisted of an Evil Queen bow and a Snow White bow. I also picked up a Haunted Mansion cast member costume inspired bow, as this is my favourite ride ever and I’m planning a Disneybound inspired by the costume for my next trip.

The bows are so well made, being sturdy and the materials used of a high quality while remaining a reasonable price. The value packs are $10 (about £6.50) and contain 2 bows while the Haunted Mansion bow was £4. There is also an option of what clip you would like, myself just going for a standard 2” barrette to wear at the back of my head. You can really tell that each bow is made with uttermost care and i really am super impressed with them. Not only are they are going to be perfect for my upcoming Disney trips, but to wear in my hair on a daily basis to give a little Disney touch. I will be 100% purchasing more bows from Extra Sweet Bowtique in the future and look forward to seeing any future releases she has planned.

What do you think of these Disney inspired bows? Do you have any?


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Friday, 10 July 2015

Making the Most of it


beach travel blackpool primark fashion hogwarts

Recently I’ve been feeling like life is just passing me by in a work, eat, sleep cycle. Since starting my full time job in February, finding a work/play balance has been a struggle, most of the time finding myself just snuggling up with a film and the boyfriend on my days off. While there is nothing wrong with the occasional lazy day, heck sometimes they’re needed after a tough week, I found myself stuck in a rut and felt so incredibly bored. Last month I decided enough is enough, and vowed to break the cycle. Since then I've done something different every week, from spending the day at the beach, watching Jurassic Park with friends and venturing to a local safari park. Not only has this given me a chance to see my friends more, but I feel so much happier than I did. Now, more than ever, I’m going to have to work hard at appreciating the little things, like taking my dog for a long walk or turning down a road I’ve never been in my city, as my boyfriend has just started his new job and our days off are pretty much always different.

Making time for friends
Growing up, its tough to make plans and spend time with friends, as people have their own lives. Schedules are different, people have other commitments and its rare that everyone will be free at the same time. You really have to make time to see friends and put effort into staying in contact. Little things like popping round for a brew after work or grabbing a quick lunch really cheer me up and keep me from being a hermit.

What shall we do
One of mine and Craig's biggest issues is deciding what to do. There are many excuses that can stop us from pursuing an idea, such as not having the money, the weather being bad or being too tired. A lot of the time we don’t even know what to do! Having a plan, or deciding where to start the days adventure in advance has really given us the motivation to go out and do things recently. Make a list of suggestions or take to the internet to find inspiration for things to do in the local area.

Being productive
I am the worst offender for sitting in my PJs and faffing around on the internet during my days off. I don't even know where the time goes or what I actually do. Doing something productive, even if only for an hour or two, still gives me that lazy day I might need while giving me a little life motivation. Something like writing a blog post, cooking a nice meal, working out, having an organize or making things, adds that little something extra to my day. Recently I’ve been making a few bits for my upcoming Disney World trip, such a bows and ears (practice makes perfect). I have plans to make little envelopes to put all our tips in for restaurant servers/mousekeeping, and am practicing with my sewing machine more so that I can make some clothing bits with cute fabric.

I don’t want life to pass me by anymore and am super determined to make the most of it.
What kind of things do you do on your days off work? Any suggestions for future activities?


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